Produkty dla natrętna szynka (3)

Olej arachidowy

Olej arachidowy

Peanut oil, also known as groundnut oil, is rich in monounsaturated fats and is known for its stability and robustness. It has a characteristic, slightly nutty taste while remaining odorless, making it a versatile choice for cooking and frying. Peanut oil's high temperature stability makes it ideal for manufacturing pourable dressings and as a substitute for olive oil in salads. Its ability to keep solids in suspension for longer periods makes it a preferred ingredient in mayonnaise and margarine production. Peanut oil is a reliable and flavorful option for both home and professional kitchens.
Orzechy laskowe luzem

Orzechy laskowe luzem

La avellana a granel de Lord Spices Group es una delicia natural que combina sabor y nutrición. Este producto ha sido cuidadosamente seleccionado y procesado para garantizar su calidad y frescura. Es ideal para aquellos que buscan una opción saludable y deliciosa para sus necesidades culinarias o de snack. Nuestro compromiso con la calidad se extiende a cada aspecto de nuestro proceso de producción. Desde la selección de las mejores materias primas hasta el empaquetado y transporte, nos aseguramos de que cada avellana mantenga su sabor y textura únicos. Además, ofrecemos un servicio personalizado que nos permite adaptarnos a las necesidades específicas de nuestros clientes, tanto a nivel nacional como internacional.


Carthamus Straight from the Mediterranean, Europe, and USA, this colorant, extracted from carthamus tinctorius, also known as safflower, is completely natural and continues our clean label commitment. Carthamus Extract provides shades of yellow to orangish yellow when used alone, or can provide a variety of red shades when blended with Paprika or Anthocyanins and Green when combined with Spirulina. Such is the versatility of Carthamus Applications: Carthamus is the perfect choice for your confectionery, beverage, bakery, dairy, or meat application